10 Crazy Movie Endings You Didn't Believe

4. The Village

Switchblade Romance
Buena Vista Pictures

After The Sixth Sense and Unbreakable, anticipation was high for what filmmaker M. Night Shyamalan was to serve up next. That next, of course, was the so-so Signs that had the disappointing revelation that aliens could be easily defeated with water.

Everybody has long bashed that 2002 picture, but it can be argued that the bait-and-switch of 2004's The Village was even more unbelievable than what we saw in Signs.

For The Village, Shyamalan crafted a tense, taught tale that built towards an intriguing finale. The problem is, that finale was just too crazy for people to buy.

With the creepy "Those We Don't Speak Of" stalking the boundaries of a 19th Century village, the ending of The Village explains that the audience hasn't actually been watching a 19th Century-set story - and that this village is a sham that has been created within the confines of a wildlife preserve in the very real modern present day.

No eerie monsters, no 19th Century setting, no reason to be scared - the ending of The Village was too creative for its own good, as that crazy ending ruined what was such a promising film.

Senior Writer
Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.