10 Crazy Movie Endings You Didn't Believe

3. Planet Of The Apes

Switchblade Romance
20th Century Fox

The classic Planet of the Apes franchise of 1968 - 1973 is a huge favourite of so many, and the more recent trilogy of Apes films produced three mesmerising offerings, yet Tim Burton's 2001 Apes movie is one often mocked.

Visually, like so many of Burton's films, the director's take on Planet of the Apes was never anything less than stunningly beautiful. Away from the aesthetic and practical SFX wizardry of the film though, the majority of audiences struggled to warm to Mark Wahlberg's central hero figure - and even more bothersome was the film's ending.

That ending saw Wahlberg's astronaut Leo Davidson travel back in time to the safety of the real word via an electromagnetic storm - only to be greeted by a statue of the nefarious General Thade in place of the Lincoln Memorial.

This reveal made Leo's trip back in time absolutely pointless, and it also made zero sense unless we're to believe that Thade himself managed to go back even further in time than Davidson in order to decimate the human race.

Thade actor Tim Roth has even gone public to declare how he has no explanation for the ending, and that it makes no sense to him despite multiple viewings. Likewise, director Tim Burton was so disappointed with the whole experience of Planet of the Apes that he said he'd rather jump out of a window than return for any sequel.

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Senior Writer

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