10 Crazy Party Massacre Scenes In Horror Movies
1. The Collection - Whirling Massacre

The successor to 2010 Torture Porn film The Collector, The Collection turns up everything that made the first one a hit with horror fans. The opening scene alone shocked audiences, setting the tone with a party that explodes in a shower of blood and gore.
The Collection’s party scene begins with neon lights and 90s rave music as the creepy masked figure looks down from above. Elena, the protagonist from the first movie, ditches the party and, in a twist of fate, comes across The Collector’s signature red body box, and frees the poor sap trapped inside. This sets off a confusing sequence of Rube Goldberg machinery, which results in what can only be described as a Combine Harvester reel dropping from the ceiling and absolutely liquidating every single one of the unfortunate ravers who didn’t think to drop to the floor.
It’s a horrifically silly sequence that has yet to topped in terms of sheer spectacle. Whilst the movie wasn’t received well critically, it was nonetheless a hit with horror fans who loved the inventive creativity that lead to scenes such as this. Word is there’s a third entry in the works, so let’s hope it can match the bar set by this film with scenes such as this.