10 Creepiest Characters In The MCU

2. Ultron

The Purple Man Jessica Jones Kilgrave
Marvel Studios

Age of Ultron is ultimately the black sheep of the MCU. Most of the phase two movies are regarded as the MCU's low point, with the exceptions of The Winter Soldier and Guardians of the Galaxy.

Yet while Age of Ultron may be the weakest of the Avengers films, the titular villain Ultron was still quite terrifying at times.

From his literal birth, Ultron was able to instil a sense of terror in the audience and even JARVIS, who was brutally murdered by Ultron. About two minutes after his birth, Ultron took over several Avenger drones and engaged the Avengers in conflict after monologuing about how the Avengers need to be killed to save the world.

There are many times when Ultron losses his creep factor, often seeming like a bumbling idiot when he slices Klaw's arm off on accident, or when he tries to convince Wanda and Pietro to stay with him when they learn the truth of his plans. However much of his time on screen he is extremely creepy.

He sings Pinocchio's 'I've Got No Strings' in a terrifying manner. He terrifies Black Widow by killing an outdated version of himself. In an alternate universe, he is able to defeat Thanos, take all of the infinity stones, and wipe out that universe. He even broke into the multiverse to battle a Watcher and the Guardians of the Multiverse. All very impressive and creepy for a being that was only a few weeks old.


Your friendly neighborhood writer across the pond in the United States' west coast with a deep love for everything nerdy. He is a big fan of Batman and Godzilla and is always excited to see what the future of the entertainment industry will bring.