10 Creepiest Special Effects Ever Used In Movies

1. Chest Pains - Alien

Raiders Of The Lost Ark
20th Century Fox

Even over four decades later, the iconic moment a little Xenomorph pops its head out of the late, great John Hurt's chest is about as gloriously creepy as it gets. 

That terrific jump scare still has folks leaping out of their skins to this day, too, joining the poor actors on the day who also had the life scared out of them thanks to director Ridley Scott's call to keep his stars in the dark about the whole ordeal.

As far as they knew, the scene just involved a "thing" emerging. 

Feeling prosthetics just wouldn't cut it for such a gruesome moment, Scott had his team bring him organs from a butchers shop and, after the baby alien puppet was rigged up, stuff said real pieces of meat into an artificial chest cavity attached to the table - Hurt's actual body was hidden underneath, creating the illusion of that fake chest being his (via Empire).

Big hoses were also used to pump stage blood throughout, with around 6 gallons of the stuff being used per take in the end.

Unsurprisingly, the smell was apparently dreadful. And the eruption of real organs and all that fake blood ensured no acting was necessary as the likes of Sigourney Weaver and co. were understandably spooked for real by the arrival of this little horror icon.

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