10 Creepiest Special Effects Ever Used In Movies

2. Bear Attack - The Revenant

Raiders Of The Lost Ark

Not only did the ridiculously committed Leonardo DiCaprio go as far as to eat raw bison liver during the making of Alejandro G. Iñárritu's The Revenant, he also got mauled by an actual live bear whilst shooting!

Just kidding. 

But the actor did actually still find himself in the middle of the chaotic sequence. Only, instead of an actual out of control wild animal, the eventual Oscar winner was often facing off against a stunt man in a giant blue suit on the day instead.

That's right, to pull off one of the most frightening moments this 2015 picture ultimately possessed, stunt man Glen Ennis donned a massive blue "Smurf bear" suit and wrestled with both Leo and his stunt double (via The Guardian).

The terrifying visual of the grizzly bear was then painted on top of that performance by Ennis via CGI, with the director being adamant that this creature still moved and felt like the real deal.

After spending time watching videos of bears attacking their prey, noting how it was often like “a cat playing with a mouse”, Ennis was able to produce a frighteningly authentic performance in the suit as practical and digital effects combined perfectly to create a properly disturbing sequence.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...