10 Creepiest Special Effects Ever Used In Movies

9. Sméagol Transforms Into Gollum - Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King

Raiders Of The Lost Ark
New Line Cinema

Peter Jackson’s fantastical The Lord of the Rings trilogy is innovative for a multitude of reasons. And it’s quite easy to overlook that these films were released in the early 2000s and still hold up both immaculately and impeccably to this day.

The Lord of the Rings is a feast for the eyes from a special effects perspective. However, one clear stand out in that department undoubtedly comes from the conception of Gollum and the brilliance of his orchestrator, Andy Serkis. 

It could and perhaps should be said that modern-day CGI wouldn’t be where it is today without Gollum and Serkis’ revolutionary motion-capture performance.

With that in mind, Gollum is often an utterly terrifying figure from just a visual perspective alone, irrespective of his villainous actions and betrayals. However, one moment but more specifically, one montage, in particular, springs to mind that really showcases the terrifying use of special effects to create the phenom known as Gollum.

After mercilessly murdering Déagol to claim the found ring as his own, Sméagol begins to spiral further and further down the rabbit hole. As the ring continues to warp his mind and corrupt his spirit, Sméagol’s transition to Gollum is primarily achieved through practical effects as Serkis dons jagged, razor-sharp teeth and blackened, over-grown fingernails to showcase his transformation from man to monster.

A combination of makeup and prosthetics brand both the character and actor unrecognisable, changing his head shape, hands and feet as Sméagol’s practical eyes close and open to reveal Gollum’s signature computer-generated ones. Chills.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...