10 Creepiest Special Effects Ever Used In Movies

8. Melting Faces - Indiana Jones And The Raiders Of The Lost Ark

Raiders Of The Lost Ark

The magnificent Steven Spielberg's Indiana Jones films have unleashed some of the most entertaining and rousing moments in movie history over the years.

But that wonderful adventure series also boasts some surprisingly intense moments of horror at times, too, with a number of villainous figures meeting some rather grisly ends.

Perhaps the most disturbing of the lot can be found during Raiders of the Lost Ark.

As Gestapo agent Arnold Toht, along with a bunch of other evil Nazis, make the mistake of keeping their eyes open after the Ark of the Covenant is opened, this villain's face is soon horrifically melted off.

It still makes for a genuinely frightening watch to this day, and was actually achieved by making a mould of actor Ronald Lacey's head, with gelatine then being used for all of the layers of flesh that would soon easily melt off the "skull".

Two propane space heaters and a heat gun were fired towards the face on the day of shooting, but the melting process still took around 8-10 minutes before it was sped up in the lab.

And after all that hard work, a deeply unsettling piece of movie history was born.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...