10 Creepiest Special Effects Ever Used In Movies

7. The Demon - Smile

Raiders Of The Lost Ark
Paramount Pictures

Easily one of the creepiest flicks to crawl into theatres over the last few years was Parker Finn's Smile, based on the director's short horror film Laura Hasn't Slept.

And after spending much of that 115-minute ride wincing at every chilling grin and having the life scared out of you via wonderful jump scares, Finn delivered one of the most grotesque conclusions of recent times.

During those closing moments, Rose finally comes face-to-face with the smiling demon that has been taunting her throughout the film. And said face just so happens to belong to one of the freakiest bodies you ever did see.

Instead of simply going down the digital route for that chilling demon, though, the team went horrifically practical. 

Creating hugely convincing "nightmare mom" masks to tear off as the creature revealed its true form, an equally disturbing nine-foot tall monster was also brought to life via massive practical and nightmarish "monstrosity" costume (with an actor inside) and some masterful puppeteering work.

If watching the finished demon's true form in the flick wasn't already enough to keep you up at night, seeing this terrifying practical creation in the flesh behind the scenes will likely do the trick.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...