10 Creepiest Zombie Movie Transformations

6. The Deer - Train to Busan

Train to Busan Deer
Next Entertainment World

If there was ever a contest for the most dangerous zombies in film, then surely the unstoppable horde from Train To Busan would top the list. This Korean horror mashes up the infected from 28 Days Later and blends them with the tidal wave that was the zombies in World War Z. Creating a perfect blend of unstoppable undead.

Though with that it means that we never really get much time to take in the loss of humanity, or even more so their turn. That's not saying this film doesn't have moments that won't punch you in the gut, because it certainly does. So what could be the creepiest transformation here?

Well, the girl on the train comes close as her reanimation is so flawlessly executed, really setting up events to come and kicking off the fight for survival for all onboard, but we are going to cheat a bit here and give this one to an animal. Yes, the deer during the opening scene is really the turn that'll make audiences' bones chill.

Going from simple roadkill to reanimating in such an unnatural fashion, the final close up on this CGI creature lets us all know something different is about to go down.


Resident Evil Aficionado. Video Games & Fried Chicken are my passions. Occasionally some Wrestling. I used to work in Film & TV, but now I Write, Edit & Present for this website and its Youtube Channels.