Creepy characters are largely, in my opinion, quite effective ones. Maybe it's in the actor's portrayal of the character or maybe it's someone's ulterior motive's making you second guess them. Then sometimes, given that some of us like to consider things from different points of view just for the sake of it, we like to try and think past the representation of a character given to us on screen and arrive at an altogether different conclusion for a previously innocent person. Where one of us sees charm, another can see a sinister trap that can't possibly be part of the movie we're watching, but in our heads still imagine it. This list takes a few of these different routes and arrives with ten characters who, when you look at them in certain lights, are creepy, scary, off-putting and likely heading down the dark path to murdering people around them. With all entries on the list, I can of course understand if anyone thinks their background or actions are being misread and played up to look like a serial killer. On the other hand, I assure you none of these entries are without any merit and if you keep an open mind, I might just change how you look at these people the next time you see them on screen. We're kicking off with a odd one with...
10. Santa Claus from The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe

Santa? Really? Yes. I'm taking down Santa Claus, in an action adventure movie fit for the whole family to enjoy, too. Santa Claus rides in, sleigh, reindeer and all, to help out the Pevensie kids in their quest to save Narnia from the evil White Witch. He kneels down to little Lucy and gives her a small viel, capable of healing any injury. Then, he gives her knife. Digest that a little bit. Santa Claus just gave a small child a knife. The fun doesn't stop there, he's got weapons for the whole family too. Susan gets a bow and Peter a sword and sheild. Susan asks what happened to 'battles are ugly affairs'?, but Santa brushes this off by giving her a powerful horn to call for help with. Santa at least appears to be a travelling armourer for Aslan, equipping children with weapons to fight evil creatures. What makes him a killer, however, are these two questions. What else does he have in that sack? And what does he do for a hundred years, trapped in a land conquered by someone who ruins Christmas?