1. Caesar Flickerman from The Hunger Games

He's the charamatic face of the Capitol's annual television extravaganza. He's the star of stars, conducting interviews, doing commentary and regailing you with Hunger Games knowledge. He does all this and more with a killer dress sense and a beaming smile. His name is Caesar Flickerman and one day he's going to kill a man. Caesar spends his entire time in The Hunger Games somehow related to the games themselves. He is the master of ceremonies, but he is literally concerned with nothing else. He doesn't mention any friends he knows or parties he might have been to and his broadcast partner during the games, Claudius, barely gets a word in. Instead, he must spend all of his time reading, watching and analysing a contest where tweny four people slaughter each other. Everyone in the Capitol looks varying levels of creepy, but Caesar is so close to the tributes, always interviewing them and bigging up the games, sooner or later talking about killing people just won't be enough. In the lushious, decadent surroundings of the Capitol, where everyone wears surreal fashion and parties all night, you know some crime must be kept under wraps. Caesar can smirk over everyone's screens without anyone suspecting a thing. Know any more movie characters who you think are serial killers in the making? Agree or disagree with any of the entries? Completely surprised by the fact Chamber of Secrets has a stinger? Post your thoughts below!