10 Creepy Movie Characters Who Are Future Serial Killers

6. Ted Maltin from Jingle All The Way

ted You're watching a happy, little Christmas movie. Silly movie, Christmas isn't all about toys! It's about Christmas spirit and forgiveness and Arnold Schwarzenegger chasing a kid around a shopping mall so he can get a bouncy ball. So how come we meet Ted Maltin, a creepy, slimy guy trying to steal Arnie's wife? Most of the credit for this character goes to Phil Hartman, pulling off that great Lional Hutz voice of his that can get you to agree to anything. But it isn't just Arnie's wife he's after. Throughout the film Maltin tries to take over his entire family, while still making passes at the other married women in the neighbourhood on the side. He sleezy can you get? No amount of women is enough for Ted and he always has that 'way too friendly' vibe going on. So how about when someone finally decides to take a stance against Ted and doesn't have the fact that they're Turboman to back it up? Ted gets away with anything in his picture-esque neighbourhood and you can bet he'll take more than your cookies if given the chance.
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A Cinema and Photography graduate whose media exposure has amounted to little more than an amateur comics society podcast and a one minute radio discussion about cantaloupe melons. Reader of Vertigo, watcher of Doctor Who, lover of everything film. Tweet in his direction @Story24