10 Creepy Movie Characters Who Are Future Serial Killers

5. Thomas Leroy from Black Swan

leroy Everyone who has seen Black Swan knows that it is crammed full of weird. Maybe it's me but I just can't watch Natalie Portman's legs spontaneously break or someone stab themselves with a nail file without feeling a bit off. Out of all of the crrepy stuff in this film, however, the dance instructor, Thomas Leroy, springs to mind more oftent than Portman's Nina Sayers and she's the one actually going crazy. We'll, credit where credit's due. It's the way Leroy watches the dancers, Sayers in particular, always trying to get the passion and sexuality out of her performance. Someone should have told him that there are ways of doing this other than feeling up the student while dancing alone with them. After Leroy loses his black swan when Sayers dies, how can he cope? Only by making the same advances towards the next unfortunate dancer tasked with leading Swan Lake, who obviously can't compare to job Sayers did. Leroy, ever the perfectionst, will not stand for that.
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A Cinema and Photography graduate whose media exposure has amounted to little more than an amateur comics society podcast and a one minute radio discussion about cantaloupe melons. Reader of Vertigo, watcher of Doctor Who, lover of everything film. Tweet in his direction @Story24