10 Creepy Movie Characters Who Are Future Serial Killers

3. Almost Anyone from Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory

wonka At first I thought about Willy Wonka himself for this spot. After all, he is reclusive, absurd and has a boat that takes people from one section of his factory to the other via a tunnel brimming with nightmares. But what about Slughorn, Wonka's assistant? He stalks kids and tries to corrupt them under the orders of Wonka himself. Then there's the candy store owner who sings about how the candy man can do anything while passing out chocolate for all his customers, all of whom must be over the age of nine and don't have to pay a penny. Then I remembered the first part of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Before the Oompa Loompas and the promise of true imagination. The inhabitants of the world this film is set in are insane for Wonka bars. This is no exaggeration. When news of the golden ticket prize hits the news, people fill up entire shopping carts with nothing but chocolate. A man dreams that an archangel tells him where to find the prize. Someone builds a Siemens computer to work out their location and then precedes to get into an argument with it when it won't reveal the answer. Math problems are taught in school using Wonka bars in examples and to top it all off a woman, when given the option between keeping her Wonka bars or getting her kidnapped husband back, asks how long she has to consider. Any one of these people, in the midst of the golden ticket competition, could've went over the edge. Come the end of the film, when Charlie has control of the factory, who knows what chaos will ensue. Share prices plummet when a child makes all the wrong business decisions. Soon the factory is shut down and Wonkamania is at an end, brother. If the people go this crazy over the tickets, who knows what they'll do when their sweet, sweet chocolate is taken from them?
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A Cinema and Photography graduate whose media exposure has amounted to little more than an amateur comics society podcast and a one minute radio discussion about cantaloupe melons. Reader of Vertigo, watcher of Doctor Who, lover of everything film. Tweet in his direction @Story24