10 Criminally Underrated 90's Movies

2. Gattaca (1997)

Along with Dark City, Gattaca is one of the least discussed before-its-time sci-fi films ever. Ethan Hawke makes the list again playing a man beaten down by prejudice, not because of race, religion or social status, but because of his DNA. In Gattaca, genetic engineering has increased life-spans, I.Q points and discrimination into previously unimaginable territories. DNA is the new resume, if it's in your blood to be a scientist you're a scientist, an astronaut you're an astronaut, etc. Hawke, never better, plays Vincent labeled an "invalid" being born without any manipulation to his DNA. He is given a 30-year life expectancy, bad heart condition, and a no better than average I.Q. He is relegated to a life of janitorial service, but strives to reach the stars, literally. The only way to get into the space program is with the proper nucleotide sequence, he needs the help of a "sponsor". A "valid" that will grant the use of his DNA scrapings, blood, dried skin samples, urine you know the works. He finds this "Sponsor" in Jude Law's Jerome, an uber-valid, if you will. The issue is that he's disabled from exercising his abilities. As the two depend on each other, Vincent lives the life Jerome was supposed to have while Jerome lives vicariously through Vincent. At the time labeled as Sci-fi, NASA scientists were recently polled about the most accurate sci-fi movie of all-time guess which one topped the list? Gattaca is a sheering and scary look into what may be Science-inevitability in another fifty years. Just for context, take the scene where Uma Thurman's character gets Hawke's DNA sequenced by a sequencing clinic. My Father is doing the very same thing in computational bio-informatics, though it takes him several more hours to do than in the film you get the idea. The future is sooner and closer than we like to believe.
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Writer and film-nut I'm willing to have perfectly reasonable discussions about the movies I love... on the internet... perhaps I asked too much. Read and comment on my personal blog too at cityuponahillmedia.com/blog