10 Criminally Underrated 90's Movies

3. Fearless (1993)

Not to be confused with the Jet Li actioner, Peter Wei's eerie character study of a plane crash survivor who isn't ready to live in reality contains certainly less martial arts displays, and is one of Jeff Bridges' very best roles. Emotional and thought-provoking and greatly overlooked, Fearless portrays Max Klein as a man trying to remember what it was to live in a world with fear. After surviving a massive plane crash, Max is adrift... he doesn't feel fear and really anything anymore. He goes on a journey to try and rediscover the world around him. His wife played by the effervescent Isabella Rosselini and son are at their wits ends, trying to help him through this time. Only a fellow survivor, a never better Rosie Perez, seemingly connects with him. Having lost her son in the crash, she cannot move on emotionally. Max cannot move-on mentally. The two form a bridge that try to mend the damage from that fateful crash. As Max's relationships crumble around him and his entire life begins to unravel, he seems uncaring and unaffected by it all. It is only in the ending, one of the most poignant and emotional film finales, that he able to rediscover what had been lost all this time.
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Writer and film-nut I'm willing to have perfectly reasonable discussions about the movies I love... on the internet... perhaps I asked too much. Read and comment on my personal blog too at cityuponahillmedia.com/blog