10 Criminally Underrated 90's Movies

10. L.A Confidential (1997)

Alright, so how can a movie which won two Oscars, nominated for Best Picture and carried so much star power be under appreciated?Helping to jump start the careers of Russell Crowe, Guy Pearce, character actors James Cromwell and David Stratharin, this piece of City of Angels pulp crime drama gets pushed aside in public conscience in favor of that sinking-ship movie whose name is hard to recall. Nonetheless, this shouldn't have been just be brushed aside. From acclaimed crime novelist James Ellroy this seedy tale moves at a brisk pace and features fine performances from all, from even a normally rigid Kim Basinger receiving an Oscar for her performance as a high class prostitute done up to look like screen siren Veronica Lake. In the vain of classics like Chinatown, and containing the wit of Tarantino scripts, L.A Confidential smoothly weaves its sordid tale of drugs, corruption and love in tinsel- town like a needle through silk. As breezy as police drama's get and just as entertaining, this film deserves its place additionally for reigniting interest in the film noir genre. The year after, an inventive little indie director released his first film, Following, which won him praise for non-linear neo-noir story-telling. The director's name: Christopher Nolan.
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Writer and film-nut I'm willing to have perfectly reasonable discussions about the movies I love... on the internet... perhaps I asked too much. Read and comment on my personal blog too at cityuponahillmedia.com/blog