10 Criminally Underrated 90's Movies

5. He Got Game (1998)

Spike Lee in his 3rd collaboration with Denzel Washington tells the story of a basketball prodigy Jesus Shuttlesworth, what a name (NBA star Ray Allen giving one of the best performances ever by a non-actor), deciding which college to play for after High School. The crux of the film; however, is the battle of wills between him and his incarcerated father Jake, played to perfection by Washington. Back when Jesus was little, his father accidentally killed his mother right in front of his own eyes. Jesus wants nothing more to do with Jake, but while serving his sentence for murder Jake is given a chance for freedom. The warden has an offer for him if he can convince his son to go to the governor's alum, he'll receive a full pardon. He is let out of the prison for a few days to have face-to-face conversations with the son he left years ago. Ray Allen again should be praised for his work here, as the dynamic between him and acting legend Washington is impeccable. The climax of a father and son one-on-one shoot around is one of the best sports sequences on film. One of Spike Lee's more personal and inspiring movies, it is never regarded as one of his bests. The film should also receive a lot of credit for giving Rosario Dawson one of her first more prominent roles, as Jesus' girl-friend. So thank you He Got Game for Rosario Dawson.
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Writer and film-nut I'm willing to have perfectly reasonable discussions about the movies I love... on the internet... perhaps I asked too much. Read and comment on my personal blog too at cityuponahillmedia.com/blog