10 Criminally Underrated 90's Movies

6. Quiz Show (1994)

On paper this is just a good trivia question, what film did Robert Redford direct in 1994 to a Best Picture nod? Swept up in the love and admiration of Forrest Gump, this felt too much as an also-ran. However, if one were to actually take a look at Quiz Show, they would find that it is as meaningful and resonate today as the scandal was back in the 50's. This suspenseful and expertly paced drama chronicles the federal investigation of the rigged Trivia Game Shows in 1957. As the evidence mounts that indeed advertising sponsors were influencing outcomes of their trivia-based TV shows, public outrage centers on not the show's producers but the contestants, one especially played expertly by Ralph Fiennes. There was a crime committed, certainly, but the wrong people were blamed and took all of the punishment. Proving that no matter the decade or the scandal, there is always a scapegoat in the court of public opinion. Great turns from the principle cast: Rob Morrow, Ralph Fiennes and John Turturro make this a true winner in my book.
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Writer and film-nut I'm willing to have perfectly reasonable discussions about the movies I love... on the internet... perhaps I asked too much. Read and comment on my personal blog too at cityuponahillmedia.com/blog