10 Cringe-Worthy Moments In Comic Book Movies

9. Reed Richards: Lord Of The Dance

As a man of science, Reed Richards has always been sophisticated, mild-mannered and intelligent. He's basically the antithesis of his FF teammate Johnny Storm, and so when the team responsible for Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer decided it would be a good idea to have Richards unwind like Storm, the results were going to be unpredictable. Well, that is to say it was difficult to predict just how embarrassing the experience could truly be. As it turned out, the answer was "extremely". During an obligatory party scene, demonstrating how recognisable the heroes have become in the public eye, Reed takes to the dancefloor to show-off the most useful aspect of his powers; stretchy dancing. Despite the fact that he is married to an absurdly attractive Sue Storm, Reed uses his powers to show off in front of some generic party girls and prove that nerds can get the girl, so long as they have unusual powers and, bizarrely, already have a girl. The result of this whole scene was remarkably cringe-worthy. The only reason it didn't detract too much from the overall tone of the film was because the rest of it was pretty damned awful, too.
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Spider-Man 3
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Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.