10 Cringe-Worthy Moments In Comic Book Movies

7. Mjolnir

Cards on the table for a bit of amnesty on this one first; 'Mjolnir' the hammer wielded by the mighty Asgardian Thor is very difficult to say. At some point, all fans of comic books and their movie adaptations will have had some sort of initial trouble getting to grips with just how to put the word together when talking about the God of Thunder. Past this initial confusion and struggle, however, there should really be no further issue with the word. Unfortunately the producers of both movies in the 'Thor' franchise decided that having someone struggle to get to grips with the pronunciation would be the foundation for a great running joke. Well, they were wrong. When Kat Dennings' Darcy Lewis incorrectly referred to Thor's hammer as "Miaw miaw" (or something like that), it was initially worth a giggle. However, when this turned into a two film-spanning running joke, the result just became pointlessly annoying. These Marvel movies have a reputation for trying to keep things light-hearted - and we've more on that shortly - but in this instance this particular gag brings a new cringe with it every time it rears its annoying head.
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Spider-Man 3
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Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.