10 Cringe-Worthy Moments In Comic Book Movies

6. Everyone's A Comedian

This entry is less of one particularly cringe-inducing moment, and more of a running gripe with some shoddy characterisation in Marvel's movies so far. While Tony Stark is correctly given a bit of a free reign over his quips and put-downs, it seems at times as though the rest of his Avenger colleagues are trying a little too hard to wrestle from him the title of being the resident wise-ass. Particularly prominent through 'The Avengers', it seems that every single hero and villain has a wise-crack to make in any given scene. From Captain America's startled boyishness at understanding a 'Wizard of Oz' reference to the stupid, pained squeal that Loki lets out after being thrashed about by The Hulk, these pointless injections of attempted comedy undercut the peril throughout the movie. It's a drastic case of a misused set of characters; no-one expected this movie to be as dark as what Nolan did with his Batman trilogy, but equally it's unlikely you approached this movie expecting to hear as many guffaws and snickers around you in the cinema. A wise-ass Tony Stark is fine, but when the producers of this movie tried to turn all of their other heroes into the same thing, they fell down a slippery slope. Trying to turn 'The Avengers' into some frat-boy comedy was definitely worth a few cringes.
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Spider-Man 3
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Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.