10 Cute Movie Characters Who'd Happily Rip Your Face Off

3. The Newborn - Alien: Resurrection

When the phrase "a face only a mother could love" was coined, there's a good choice that these creature was exactly what the inventor had in mind. The major revelation of the fourth installment in the Alien series comes when the Ripley clone realizes that the alien Queen aboard the USM Auriga (extracted from her womb) has developed a human-like womb, and subsequently gives birth to the film€™s ultimate antagonist, the so-called €œNewborn€, a monstrous combination of human and Xenomorph DNA modelled supposedly on human genitalia. During the final climax of the story, the film really drives home the fact that this thing is indeed, part human. They feature several close-up shots of its adorable child-like eyes and when the creature is ultimately killed we are actually encouraged to feel a little sorry for it - especially as its entire body ends up being sucked through its anus into space.
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Galaxy Quest
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Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at JarvisCity.com - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: JesseGumbarge@JarvisCity.com