10 Dangerous Movie Scenes Audiences Refused To Believe Were Faked

6. Maverick Flies An F-18 - Top Gun: Maverick

Chinatown Knife Scene
Paramount Pictures

Now in fairness, Tom Cruise has absolutely conditioned audiences to believe that just about every dangerous, high-wire action sequence he's involved with is performed by him more-or-less for real, but even Cruise can't do everything.

We see Cruise's Pete "Maverick" Mitchell pilot numerous aircraft throughout Top Gun: Maverick, and given that his prior release Mission: Impossible - Fallout saw him literally pilot a helicopter for the climactic action sequence, it was reasonable to believe that the ever-committed actor did the very same here.

And though Cruise did really pilot a number of aircraft for Maverick, there was one that was entirely faked - the F-18 fighter jet.

While the US Navy co-operated with the production, they wouldn't grant Cruise permission to fly one of their vessels, which cost around $65 million a-piece.

As a result, Cruise was forced to do what his co-stars did throughout production - sit in the back of a specially designed cockpit while the real pilot flew the fighter from the front.

And yet, watching Maverick, most everyone surely assumed that Cruise of all people got the go-ahead to do all of his own flying, being the absolute madman that he is.

Yet as it turns out, even Cruise gets doors slammed in his face every now and then.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.