10 Dangerous Movie Scenes Audiences Refused To Believe Were Faked

3. Eric Gets Shot - The Crow

Chinatown Knife Scene
Miramax Films

The Crow is of course a movie whose production history is clouded by the fact that star Brandon Lee died in an on-set accident while filming the 1994 comic book adaptation.

Lee was killed by a misfired prop gun while filming his character Eric Draven's death scene, and given that Draven is himself shot to death, an urban legend soon did the rounds suggesting that director Alex Proyas included Lee's fatal take in the final cut of the movie.

Now, it goes without saying that this would be first and foremost a legal minefield to navigate, and more importantly, extremely unethical for any filmmaker to do, even if the family had inexplicably signed off on it.

So to be clear, no, Eric Draven's death in the movie isn't in any way comprised of real footage of Lee's death, but rather a body double filmed from behind and in shadow to conceal their appearance.

All the same, that hasn't stopped many still parroting the legend as fact almost 30 years on.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.