10 Dark Facts About Star Wars That Are Never Spoken About

5. Harrison Ford Almost Died

Star Wars

Harrison Ford seems to be every bit the adventurer as his most famous film roles.

A keen aviator, Ford has been involved in more near misses than many would be comfortable with, including crash landing on a golf course and almost smashing into a Boeing 737!

We know you play Indiana Jones, but you're not actually him, Harrison!

The star doesn't even need to be in a plane to court death, as was discovered whilst filming The Force Awakens in 2014.

Whilst making his comeback as Han Solo, a hydraulic door fell on Ford and broke his left leg. Shooting was halted as a result and the 71-year-old actor ended up requiring hospital treatment.

Foodles Production accepted responsibility for the accident and were told in court that the door "could have killed somebody. The fact that it didn’t was because an emergency stop was activated."

Ford was supposedly crushed by a piece of the Millennium Falcon set, which is ironic considering how often that ship has saved his character's life over the years.

Hopefully he didn't forget what movie he was making and was just trying to retrieve his hat.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.