10 Dark Facts About Star Wars That Are Never Spoken About

4. David Prowse Was Banned From Real Life Events

Star Wars

The sinister original voice of Darth Vader belonged to renowned actor James Earl Jones, without whom the character wouldn't be nearly as legendary as he is today.

But who was actually under the suit? That was Bristol-born actor and strongman David Prowse.

At 6' 6", Prowse was the perfect person to portrayal the menacing physical form of the Sith Lord. Although, thank God they got someone else to do the voice, because can you imagine someone saying "I am your father" in a West Country accent?

Doesn't have nearly the same effect.

Despite being an essential part of the Star Wars legacy, Prowse had a rocky relationship with Lucasfilm. He would publicly dress down George Lucas for replacing him in various parts of the films and was even accused by the company of giving out plot spoilers for the original movies.

As a result, in 2010 it was announced that Prowse was banned from all future official Star Wars events. When asked for a reason, Lucasfilm simply stated that he had "burnt too many bridges."

Although, to be honest, he could have just turned up. Nobody was going to stop a giant man from getting in, were they?

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.