10 Dark Facts About Star Wars That Are Never Spoken About

3. Darth Vader Is In Constant Pain

Star Wars

Sticking with Vader now, although this time we're talking about the character rather than the actor who played him.

The backstory of Darth Vader is well-trodden ground. Anakin Skywalker was supposed to bring balance to the Force, but he went evil instead, killed a bunch of kids, and so Obi-Wan turned him into some human lasagne on Mustafar.

Tale as old as time.

The reason why Vader has to wear his famous black suit and helmet is because of those injuries sustained duelling his master. But surely no amount of space magic can overcome having all your limbs chopped off and being set on fire?

The suit didn't take away his pain - in fact, it made it worse. As explained in the Star Wars Legends books, Palpatine designed the casing to keep his apprentice in constant agony to drive his hatred and serve as a reminder of his loss to Kenobi.

As if poor old Darth hadn't gone through enough already.

Whilst this is perfectly fitting with Palpatine's sadistic nature, it's also pretty horrible to think about the continual torture Vader's body was going through.

Almost makes you feel sorry for a guy who murdered children.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.