10 Most Dark And Twisted Movie Scenes From 2014

2. A Bloody Climax - Gone Girl

Joe's soulless unchecked sexual urges in Nymphomaniac might have done little to bring much meaning to her life, but at least she managed to avoid getting involved with truly sadistic men like the killers in Cold In July. Gone Girl's twisted scene of a sexual nature turns the tables and casts the man as a victim, tricked into the web of a sociopath. After faking her own death and making it look like her husband's doing, Amy (Rosamund Pike) contacts an old infatuated boyfriend and shacks up with him at his retreat by the lake. A particularly amorous moment in the bedroom soon turns into a bloody mess when Amy takes out a concealed boxcutter and slices his throat open as they're having sex. Gone Girl's comparative restraint up to this scene certainly makes it more shocking. The film on the whole might not match up to the standard of David Fincher's at his best, but this scene alone is sure to stick in your mind.

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