10 Most Dark And Twisted Movie Scenes From 2014

8. A Weird, Warm Shower - The Dance Of Reality

Fans of the weird and wonderful, the abstract and surreal, were more than pleased earlier this year with the release of the latest film from Alejandro Jodorowsky, The Dance Of Reality, a semi-autobiographical re-enactment of the cinematic alchemist's childhood. This being Jodorosky there's an ample range of strange and twisted scenes to choose from - no stranger to the esoteric, The Dance Of Reality is as much about the fertile ground of childhood imagination as it is his early political and spiritual awakening, even if the narrative is considerably easier to get your head around than his earlier films like The Holy Mountain and El Topo. After contracting a disease from a group of wandering nomads, Jodorowsky's on-screen father returns home where his mother (her dialogue throughout sung, opera-style) squats over his quivering form and micturates on his bare chest. Read into that whatever symbology you see fit - regardless, it's a pretty twisted scene from a bizarre yet compelling movie.

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