10 DC Comics Villains Who NEED To Face Robert Pattinson's Batman (And Who Should Play Them)

2. Bryan Cranston As Mr Freeze

Dave Bautista Bane
Netflix/DC Comics

One of the biggest crimes in the history of cinema was the casting of Arnold Schwarzenegger as Victor Fries, aka Mr Freeze, in the deservedly hated Batman & Robin.

One of the most tragic yet dangerous villains in Batman's history was reduced to nothing more than a bunch of inane ice puns and poor scripting. Freeze is a glorious villain, a cryogenicist driven by the comatose state of his wife, with his singular aim being to try and save his dear Nora. Through a hazard during his research, Victor managed to drastically lower his body temperature to the point that he needs to wear a cryogenic suit for survival.

Such a pained story arc could play out well if told correctly, and who better to bring that inner turmoil, guilt and anguish to the screen than Bryan Cranston. Throughout his incredible run as Walter White in Breaking Bad, Cranston proved he is one of the best actors going. However, his post-Breaking Bad career hasn't really kicked on in the way many thought it would.

Bringing gravitas and authority to a role such as Mr Freeze would make this an incredible casting choice, and we already know how badass Bryan Cranston looks with a shaved head.

Just go easy on the ice puns.


A wrestling fan for over two decades, a proud father of an awesome little girl. Am also an international best selling independent author of mindless action novels!