10 DC Comics Villains Who NEED To Face Robert Pattinson's Batman (And Who Should Play Them)

1. Bill Skarsgård As The Joker

Dave Bautista Bane

Originally, this list wasn't going to include 'Mr. J', as, let's face it, three Jokers in the last 13 years is a lot on the silver screen. Two of those iterations of the character have been so good, they won Academy Awards. The other was.... well... crap!

The Joker has become such a pop culture icon that he overshadows Batman in almost every story. Heath Ledger's take was a gamechanger, whereas Joaquin Phoenix had an entire movie to flesh out a different version to a different outcome but same level of success. Jared Leto tried to do something different, and, barring the tattoos, he did look cool. But enough about that.

If Robert Pattinson's Batman wants to stand on its own, it needs to embrace the darker side of these characters, which looks like the case with Paul Dano's portrayal of The Riddler. With that being said, make this Joker terrifying. Don't make him the coolest thing in the movie, but make him a genuine psychopath who instils terror wherever he goes.

Bill Skarsgård might not want to be typecast as a creepy clown, but after his genuinely terrifying portrayal of Pennywise in IT, he has shown he can merge the quirky fun of the circus with a physical performance that conjures up nightmares.

We don't need a cool Joker (Ledger). We don't need a gangster Joker (Leto). We don't need an incel Joker (Phoenix). We need the scariest iteration of the character yet, and Skarsgård would provide that with one simple stare.


A wrestling fan for over two decades, a proud father of an awesome little girl. Am also an international best selling independent author of mindless action novels!