10 DC Heroes Who Deserve Movie Deals (And Who Should Play Them)

8. Blue Beetle - Jake Johnson

With the DC Extended Universe€™s Superman established as a brutal neck-snapping guardian, and its Batman shaping up to be a brooding Dark Knight like the last one, an injection of comic relief could be a good idea. A sprawling mega-franchise can€™t survive on grumpiness alone, after all. Blue Beetle could be just the perfect lighter addition to the fold, particularly the popular Theodore Kord version of the character, who consistently raised a smile in the comics after first popping up in 1986 . He€™s a genius inventor and martial arts expert, who adopted the Blue Beetle mantra from his archaeology teacher. Theodore Kord€™s Blue Beetle couldn€™t be less of a brooding vigilante. He travels around in a big blue flying machine called The Bug and wields a futuristic ray gun. He could be a fun, brightly-coloured alternative to the grittier corners of the DCEU and there has been talk of a Blue Beetle/Booster Gold buddy hero movie. Jake Johnson, fresh from his chuckle-inducing turn in Jurassic World, could be an ideal match for the part. He could lead a comedy-heavy solo series quite comfortably, as well as offering a comedic counterpoint in the bigger team-up movies. Sounds good, doesn€™t it?

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.