10 DC Movie Easter Eggs And Setups That Led Nowhere

8. Sinestro's Transformation - Green Lantern

Sinestro Green Lantern
Warner Bros

The Ryan Reynolds-fronted Green Lantern movie launched with franchise ambitions back in 2011, and it attempted to set up a sequel in Marvel Cinematic Universe style by hitting the audience with a post-credits whammy.

The hidden scene shows Mark Strong's Sinestro donning a yellow power ring, an artefact that corrupts his character and puts him on a path towards villainy in the comic books, so no doubt the second movie would have revolved around the formation of the evil Sinestro Corps and their rivalry with the Emerald Knights.

Strong has previously mentioned that Green Lantern was envisioned as a trilogy, and reports elsewhere suggest Reynolds's version of the title character was once eyed up for a Justice League movie which never came together.

Obviously, Green Lantern received a critical mauling and underwhelmed at the box office, so Sinestro's post-credits transformation will forever be a dangling plot thread.

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Green Lantern
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