10 DCEU Characters That Are Nothing Like The Comics

8. Lex Luthor

Batman V Superman Lex Luthor
Warner Bros. & DC

As wildly divisive as the DCEU's versions of The Joker and Superman have been, none have received quite the near-universal scorn from fans as Jessie Eisenberg's Lex Luthor.

In the comics, Luthor is most recognisably a mega-rich, ultra-intelligent megalomaniac with a God complex, who upon seeing Superman as an obstacle to his global dominion, plots to take the Man of Steel out.

Though some basic aspects of the popular comic book Luthor do remain - he's rich, smart, crazy and hates Superman - Zack Snyder and co. otherwise revised the character to reflect more contemporary visions of "villainy."

It goes without saying that Eisenberg's casting is no coincidence, and was an attempt by Snyder to lean into the smooth-talking, young hotshot tech billionaires who own the halls of Silicon Valley these days - a reprise of Eisenberg's rendition of Mark Zuckerberg in The Social Network, to a point.

Batman v Superman introduced Lex as all of these things but also physically diminutive, not particularly handsome and touting a ghastly head of greasy hair.

These ideas weren't inherently bad by any means, but what truly turned many fans off was Eisenberg's twitchy, high-pitched, rodent-like performance as the character.

A Luthor who went full dweeb just wasn't what people wanted to see, and it was a far cry from even the more out-there comic book renditions of the supervillain.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.