10 DCEU Characters That Are Nothing Like The Comics

7. Jimmy Olsen

Batman V Superman Jimmy Olsen
Warner Bros. & DC

You'd be forgiven for not even realising that Jimmy Olsen has appeared in the DCEU to date, but back in the early Africa sequence of Batman v Superman, the character indeed showed up for a brief beat, as played by Michael Cassidy.

Of course, Olsen is fondly remembered by fans for being a Daily Planet photographer and close friend of both Clark Kent and Lois Lane (Amy Adams). He quite typically has a bookish demeanour in the comics, which has been carried over to most live-action versions of the character.

Zack Snyder yet again decided to throw out the rule book, however, by having Olsen appear as an undercover CIA agent posing as a Daily Planet photographer working with Lois.

He ends up killed after terrorists discover a tracking device in his camera, yet only in the film's Ultimate Edition is his name explicitly mentioned.

Though the "what if?" comic Superman: Red Son did technically depict Olsen as a CIA agent, otherwise there's been a sure consistency to his role in the comics as a Daily Planet stalwart.

As for Jimmy dying, Snyder said that they knew they didn't have room for the character, but wanted to provide audiences with an in-universe explanation for his absence. Naturally, fans were pissed.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.