10 DCEU Characters That Are Nothing Like The Comics

5. Aquaman

Aquaman Jason Momoa
Warner Bros. & DC

It's fair to say that Aquaman (Jason Momoa) was one of the most challenging DC heroes to adapt to the big screen, if only because the general public couldn't really help but view him as, well, a bit of a goof.

Thanks to decades of pop culture summarily dumping on Arthur Curry as both ineffective and daft, the DCEU faced one hell of a struggle making audiences actually give a damn about the hero who can talk to fish.

But they struck gold with Jason Momoa, whose dark skin, flowing brunette locks, epic beard, tattoos and laid-back demeanour couldn't seem further from the blonde-haired, pale, chiselled, ridiculously-attired Arthur Curry who dominated the comics for decades. And thank God.

The character's attitude is also virtually unrecognisable from his traditional conception - if the comic Arthur is typically quite earnest and straight-laced, the DCEU's Arthur is far more playful, sarcastic, and just plain fun to be around.

This clashes quite entertainingly with the whole King of Atlantis shtick, lending Wan's film much of its, uh, fish out of water flavour (sorry).

The newer Aquaman comics have absolutely made a clear effort to shake off Arthur's unfortunate rep for being a squeaky-clean wet fish, yet for the most part there's a giant gulf in both looks and personality between the DCEU Aquaman and most major comic book versions.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.