10 DCEU Fan Theories You Need To Hear

4. Lex Luthor Is Actually A Good Guy... Kinda

justice league
Warner Bros.

Lex Luthor is one of the most notorious villains in the DC Universe, but this fan theory paints him as character in the vein of Watchmen's Ozymandias.

For those who haven't read the seminal graphic novel or seen the Zack Synder movie version, Adrian Veidt kills over 3 million people for the greater good of uniting the world against a common foe and saving billions of others.

The theory positions the DC Extended Universe's Luthor in a similar light, claiming he brought Batman and Superman together and orchestrated the Doomsday threat to unite the Justice League.

Apparently, this is why the LexCorp was tagging and tracking metahumans, so could Luthor really be a good guy in disguise?

If he is, it's a very good disguise considering the chaos he's wrought, but maybe there's a twist in Lex's tale to come. We may have to wait a while for it, mind, because reports suggest he's been cut from Justice League entirely.


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