10 DCEU Mysteries That Are Yet To Be Solved

8. Who Is Alfred Speaking To In The Justice League Trailer?

Justice League Green Lantern
Warner Bros.

Most fans would agree that Alfred Pennyworth is addressing the resurrected Superman in the latest Justice League trailer, although some clearly have niggling doubt in the back of their minds, if all those internet theories are anything to go off.

“He said you'd come. Now let's hope you're not too late," says Batman's faithful butler to a character who's hidden off screen. Although Supes is the clear frontrunner, it would be one hell of a twist if this turned out to be somebody else.

Rumours that Green Lantern will be making a surprise appearance in Justice League have only intensified in the run-up to release, and a member of the Bat Family cannot be ruled out entirely since they have solo films scheduled.

Some online theorists have claimed a hint of red is visible on the edge of the screen during this sequence, which does add credence to the Superman theory, but he isn't the only DC hero with a red cape. You'd probably gets odds of 10/1 for Batwoman.

So, is this Superman back from the dead, or is Justice League trolling the fans here?


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