10 Dead Comic Book Movies That Need To Be Revived

8. X-Men Origins: Magneto

Watchmen Movie
20th Century Fox

Not only did X-Men Origins: Wolverine kill the good name of Deadpool (until it was gloriously resurrected in early 2016), it also killed the "Origins" idea entirely. The idea was to focus on individual heroes, broadening their backstory and explaining how they came to be the way they are.

One specific Origins film that died was X-Men Origins: Magneto. Initially, it was to star a digitally altered Ian McKellen as a young Magneto, but why not revive the idea with Michael Fassbender? After all, one of the strongest elements of the X-Men prequels is Michael Fassbender's performance. The guy is a terrific actor, especially in First Class and Days Of Future Past, giving the character of Magneto some genuine emotion and complexity.

With the future of the X-Men series once again up in the air following X-Men: Apocalypse, now might be a good time focus on one of the prequel series strongest aspects. We still have no idea how Magneto in Apocalypse comes to be the man he is in 2000's X-Men, so why not use an Origins film to fill in that gap? Especially seeing as the Origins idea was originally meant to lead up to the events of the original trilogy.

Confusing as hell chronologically? Maybe, but the X-Men continuity is so ridiculously convoluted and nonsensical at this point that it doesn't even matter.

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