10 Deadliest Characters In Star Wars History

The Emperor wasn't as bloodthirsty as these other Star Wars characters...

Deadliest Star Wars Characters Lando Hux

It's rare to hear of a character within the Star Wars universe passing away naturally on the back of a rather peaceful and uneventful existence. That's because the worlds found in George Lucas' brainchild are pretty violent, with heroes and villains alike racking up a hefty bodycount on the big and small screens.

Jedi, Rebels, and other heroes sit among the deadliest figures ever to set foot on everywhere from Tatooine to the Death Star. Their motivations for taking life may largely differ from the dark side, but that doesn't stop them from ranking in the big leagues of Star Wars killers.

Also, for the purposes of revealing precisely which lethal personalities rank as the most prolific during the following list, only canon material will be considered for this list. So, a quick dishonourable mention to Legends menace Darth Nihilus and his disturbing wiping out of the entire Miraluka colony world of Katarr in 3952 BBY.

Now, from the most vicious individuals you'll find donning Imperial uniforms, to the apparent light side warriors with more blood on their hands than you likely imagined, thanks to the deadly gift that is ListofDeathsWiki.com here are the Star Wars galaxy's most homicidal beings.

10. Emperor Palpatine

Deadliest Star Wars Characters Lando Hux

Though he may not technically be directly responsible for anywhere near as many deaths as some as the names to come, how can you put together a collection of the galaxy's deadliest figures without mentioning the person behind some of the most impactful killings in Star Wars history?

The Dark Lord of the Sith actually only directly dealt out death on a few occasions during his horrific time in the galaxy far, far away, slicing and electrocuting his way through a few Jedi Masters in Revenge of the Sith, impaling Savage Oppress in the Clone Wars series, and of course killing his old master Darth Plagueis in his sleep.

But with Darth Sidious' fateful unleashing of the galaxy-changing Order 66 resulting in nearly the entire Jedi Order being wiped from existence, that near-10,000 number of Force-sensitive kills are definitely enough to mark The Emperor out as one of the most lethal Star Wars presences to have ever cackled.

Yet, even those rather horrendous Jedi-slaughtering numbers absolutely pale in comparison to the savage figures heading your way...

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...