10 Deadliest Characters In Star Wars History

9. Count Dooku

Deadliest Star Wars Characters Lando Hux

Making his one-time master look like something of a saint by comparison, Count Dooku was behind a staggering 1,500,625 deaths in total.

Now, admittedly, if you're not exactly the biggest pro-droid fan of this galaxy far, far away, the fallen Jedi's death count may not leave you audibly gasping as much as some of the other names you'll find in this deadly collection.

But if you do have a soft spot for even those Separatist battle droids regularly found clashing with clones, Jedi, and gungans, then that 1,500,598 number of Dooku-induced droid destructions during the Clone Wars animated series in particular makes for tough reading.

That colossal amount of devastation came about after Dooku ordered the destroying of his own command ship to take out Asajj Ventress, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Anakin Skywalker.

Adding to his eye-watering amount of murders, Dooku stabbed ministers and force-choked enough folks to make Darth Vader proud. But arguably his most infamous killing involved the electrocuting of his aforementioned former apprentice, with Ventress sacrificing herself to save Quinlan Vos during the Dark Disciple novel.

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