10 Deadliest Characters In Star Wars History

8. Luke Skywalker

Deadliest Star Wars Characters Lando Hux

After you were finished celebrating the obliterating of the moon-shaped space station during 1977's Star Wars, did you ever spare a moment to think about just how many folks Luke Skywalker blasted to smithereens?

How many families were left without Imperial officer fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, and so on? No, you did not, you monster.

Away from that staggering reported 1,549,209 killings when blowing up the Death Star in Episode IV, though, the son of Anakin also gunned down a number of stormtroopers and TIE pilots during that flick alone.

From there, the saviour of the Rebel Alliance took out a further 43 enemies in The Empire Strikes Back, before adding another 20 to his murderous collection in Return of the Jedi.

All of those stormtrooper fatalities, Death Star casualties, and eventual Darktrooper kills during his season two of The Mandalorian appearance were just about tolerable. But impaling an innocent fish on the planet Ahch-To to take his murder number to 1,549,324 is where this writer draws the line.

How dare that bitter ol' Jedi take the life of one of the galaxy's most majestic underwater creatures.

Where's a bigger fish when you need it, eh?

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...