10 Deadliest Movie Viruses

3. Outbreak

Virus: "Motaba" - an Ebola-like virus Symptoms: External bleeding, vomiting, diarrhea. Outbreak feels a bit dated by today's standards, but it still provides a harrowing depiction of just how serious the threat of a mutated virus could be. Motaba is heavily based upon Ebola, with similar symptoms and fatality rate. The Motaba virus originates in Africa, making its way to the United States thanks to one of those pesky infected monkeys. While starting off as almost identical to Ebola (other than killing far more quickly), Motaba becomes even more deadly after mutating into an airborne virus. It's a bit silly how a team of scientists somehow manage to create, test and cure the disease within the space of a few hours, but Outbreak manages to present the potential of a bio-threat as a true horror story.

Tom Butler hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.