10 Deadliest Movie Viruses

2. Mimic

Virus: "Strickler's Disease" Symptoms: Specifically targets children, fatal. Mimic has a strange, but remarkably unique and clever premise in comparison to other movies in which a deadly virus ravages a human population. While the original virus of Strickler's disease is pretty terrible, in that it's killing off a city's children, the 'cure' that scientists come up with is even worse. Strickler's Disease is being spread by cockroaches, which are seemingly impossible to reliably eradicate. As a solution, scientists use genetic engineering to create a large insect that releases an enzyme to kill disease-carrying cockroaches. The small lifespans and all-female population of these new insects means they're supposed to only last for one generation. Naturally, all doesn't go to plan, after this deadly "Judas" breed of insects emerge years later, their accelerated metabolisms allowing them to mutate extremely quickly. It's a bit of silly concept, but the idea of a cure being even worse than the original disease is fascinating.

Tom Butler hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.