10 Deadliest Superweapons In Star Wars

8. Malevolence

The Sun Crusher Star Wars

Seen in the first season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, the Malevolence was a Separatist heavy cruiser and flagship of General Grievous which had a pair of massive ion cannons on its hull and the ship's port. When fired, the blast disrupted any starship it came into contact with. These ships had all of their engines, weaponry and defensive measured disabled, meaning they were completely vulnerable, and were usually destroyed in a matter of moments by the Malevolence's many laser cannons.

Not only was the warship equipped with its dangerous ion and laser cannons, the Malevolence also carried an abundance of Vulture Droids, Rocket Battle Droids and a plethora of B1s, B2s and Droidekas on board, making an invasion of the ship a Herculaneum task.

Still, what The Clone Wars proved is that no matter how dangerous a weapon could be, a well placed bit of Jedi ingenuity could overcome and stop it. During the Malevolence's quest to destroy a Republic medical station, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker managed to infiltrate the ship and change its navigation computer, setting it on a course to crash into a nearby moon. Unable to fix the computer, the Manevolence plunged directly into the moon, obliterating itself in the process.

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