10 Deadliest Superweapons In Star Wars

7. Mass Shadow Generator

The Sun Crusher Star Wars

The Mass Shadow Generator was a horrifyingly destructive superweapon, created by the Jedi Knight, Revan, that was able to pull local natural shadows created by celestial bodies, with it then unleashing a deadly blast, annihilating everything on and above the planet it was stationed at.

In an attempt to end The Mandalorian Wars once and for all, Revan lured a massive Mandalorian fleet to Malachor V, where the generator would then be activated, which drew many ships into a gravity vortex, which then crushed them, as well as fracturing the planet. Because of the Mass Shadow Generator, Malachor V became a broken graveyard of both Republic and Mandalorian warships, with nearly all life on the surface being completely annihilated.

Moreover, the Mass Shadow Generator was also responsible for the creation of Darth Nihilus, the wound in the Force, who would begin to somewhat act like the generator, by draining life out of people and planets to sustain himself.

The terror machine would be used one final time during the events of Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, where it was utilised to totally destroy Malachor V after the Jedi Exile, Meetra Surik, defeated Darth Sion and Darth Traya.

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