10 Deadliest Superweapons In Star Wars

4. Death Star II

The Sun Crusher Star Wars
20th Century Fox

Being much bigger and more destructive than the first, the second Death Star was a fun, albeit lazy, addition to Return of the Jedi. As well as the laser dish, the battle station was equipped with tens of thousands of heavy Turbolaser and Super Blaster cannons, making it a nearly invincible and impenetrable fortress.

Whilst the weapon was never used to eradicate a planet, it was used several times to destroy a few Mon Calamari Star Cruisers with ease. Not only was the Death Star II a planet destroyer, it was a fleet killer.

Still, much like its predecessor, the second Death Star had a few major weaknesses. By Return of the Jedi, the battle station was still under construction, despite it being fully armed and operational. This meant that the weapon had to be tethered to the forest moon of Endor, where a shield generator provided defence for the Death Star, whilst it was being completed. The station also did not have any working ion engines, nor functional hyperdrive by the Battle Over Endor, meaning if the shield generator was destroyed, the station could not escape the risk of attack and destruction, as the station contained a large superstructure which led to the main reactor.

As the film shows, when that reactor was destroyed, the entire weapon collapsed.

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Star Wars fanatic. Marvel lover. DC enjoyer.