10 Deadliest Superweapons In Star Wars

5. Sun Crusher

The Sun Crusher Star Wars
Dark Horse

Residing in Star Wars Legends, the Sun Crusher was created by the Empire, and is possibly the most terrifying weapon in the franchise. The machine fired energy resonance torpedoes, which burrowed into a star, collapsing its core and ultimately causing a supernova, which could obliterate an entire star system. As well as this devastating weapon, the machine was also equipped with a hyperdrive, making it even more dangerous than it initially seemed.

Worse still, the Star Crusher was coated in a powerful material, Quantum-crystalline armour, which was so strong, that all fire from starships would bounce off it, making the crusher nearly invincible.

In the Star Wars Legends continuity, the Sun Crusher was used to destroy the Cauldron Nebula after Han Solo and Chewbacca had previously stolen it from the Imperial Maw Installation. It then went on to destroy the Carida System, as well as several ship construction sites, before it was ultimately stopped when it was sucked into a black hole.

Although the Sun Crusher is not part of canon, its capabilities make it a complete nightmare for the galaxy, with its power being nearly unbelievable. Luckily, there was only ever one Sun Crusher ever made, with its designer, Qwi Xux, defecting from the Empire, meaning that once it had been destroyed, there was no prospect of it returning.

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